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Legislation For Landlords

Lettings Manager for H&H Land & Estates looks at the complicated legislation for landlords and how their agents can help make it easier for them.  

Legislation from the Government for landlords can be a minefield, particularly when attempting to keep up to date with new rules and laws regarding their properties they have for rent.  

Considering the recent release of the Fairer Private Rented Sector White Paper which has some major amendments to previous legislation regarding the rental sector, Paula Elliot, Residential Lettings Manager, for H&H Land & Estates examines some of the changes and offers advice for landlords. 

“Demand for rental property across Cumbria is extremely high and nowhere near to matching the amount required. This is a situation which shows no sign of abating. During the last twelve months prices have risen in the region of 20% and currently we have over 1,000 active applicants on our books waiting for a rental property. When a property does become available, we are receiving an average of 40 enquiries that leads to a shortlist of 10 viewings and only 1 getting the property.  

Due to the size of the private rental property sector the Government issues legislation to ensure that conditions in these properties are safe for human habitation and everyone has a fair opportunity to rent a property. The recent release of the Fairer Private Rented Sector White Papers presents many suggested changes that could become law if the paper is passed by the government. Its intention is to make renting a property easier and more secure for the tenant. 

A big change laid out in the document is the suggested abolishment of Section 21 which means that landlords will no longer be able to evict tenants without a reason before their agreement runs out. Landlords or agents will now have to provide a valid reason that is accepted in the new legislation.  

Due to the changing and meticulous nature of legislation, many landlords opt to have an agent manage their properties for them to ensure that they are being maintained and managed in a professional way and comply with all the regulations. Here at H&H, our team uses their expert knowledge of the latest rules to offer important advice and manage many properties on behalf of private landlords.  

One of the most noticeable amendments proposed by the white paper is the change to the no pet policy that many landlords have on their properties. Should the bill be passed by parliament, all tenants would be allowed to present a case as to why they should have a pet in their rental property and landlords would be required to reasonably consider the tenants who wish to have a pet.  

This is a concern for many landlords, and we are here to offer advice to any landlords who need it if the change goes through. We can provide an extremely comprehensive property inventory and check out report for our customers which can act as a lifeline should anything in the property be damaged by a pet or anything else for that matter. Our inventories are recognised by the tenancy deposit scheme so landlords can be assured that we can present the best possible evidence to support any damage claims against the deposit if needed.  

Legislation for lettings can be a minefield unless you are diligent and keep up to date with it. At H&H Land & Estates we have experience dealing with all the changes to legislation and are able to offer landlords the service of managing the legislation, and the actions needed to be compliant with it, for them so they can have peace of mind knowing that their properties are being cared for with expert hands and ensure that they do not incur any fines for not adhering to the legislation.