Land At Market Weighton
Land At Market Weighton, York Road, Market Weighton, York, East Riding of Yorkshi, YO43 3NS
15.56 acres of mixed-use development land including low-rise residential, a food store and commercial uses. OFFERS INVITED BY 1PM TUESDAY 2ND JULY 2024.
Key Features:

A gross site area of circa 15.56 acres (6.30 hectares)

Principal frontage and vehicular access via York Road

Lot 1 - A 1,900sqm food store

Lot 2 - A wide range of commercial uses including B2, B8, E(a), E(b), E(d), E(e), E(f), E(g) and F2(d)

Lot 3 - Up to 120 new homes over circa 6.27 acres (2.54 hectares) of residential net developable area, including 25% designated as Affordable Housing.

Measurements & Additional Information

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The mortgage amount shown is intended as a guide only. The actual amount you will be able to borrow could be more or less than this figure and depends on your personal circumstances.

0191 370 8530
Blackmoor Court, Durham Moor, Durham DH1 5ER
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