Hills and fields with a stone wall.
Boundary Mapping

Our in-house GIS (Geographical Information System) team can provide clients with an extensive mapping service and are able to supply electronic or paper maps for a multitude of purposes. With our range of base maps and extensive library of geospatial data, we produce bespoke plans at meaningful scales, displaying the information pertinent to the task at hand.

We also survey for clients; collecting electronic data using handheld GPS technology, or mark “on-the-ground” the location of new boundaries, etc. Our specialist equipment ensures that the data is accurate to less than a metre. Collected data is often displayed over Ordnance Survey base maps or hi-res aerial imagery and may form a tenancy or sale plan, planning application maps, Land Registry applications, amendments to the Rural Land Registry, etc.

  • Extent mapping of Designated Sites – SSSI, Nature Reserves, Moorland Line, Less Favoured Areas, Common Land, CRoW land, Public Rights of Way, Nitrate Vulnerable Zones, National Park boundaries, AONBs, Scheduled Monuments /Historic Environment, Priority Habitats, Administrative boundaries, etc.
  • Farm mapping – “Red Line Boundary” plans, bespoke annotation with field numbers / areas / field names, cropping plans, NVZ/Manure Management plans
  • Estate Mapping – Whole Estate plans, with Land Registry title boundaries, current tenure, wayleaves & easements, shared access points, etc.
  • Manorial maps – digitising archive maps (e.g. mineral / sporting rights)
  • Forest inventory & Woodland Creation design plans (including compartment annotation with areas, species, planting year, etc)
  • Rural Land Registry (RLR) Registration & Amendments
  • Environmental and Woodland Schemes.