Online Update on SFI Schemes and Funding Opportunities

We invite all farmers and landowners to join them for an online seminar explaining the opportunities of securing funding from the next round of SFI schemes.

As the UK Government’s Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) support for agriculture continues to grow and change, the north’s leading independent Land Agency, H&H Land & Estates, is inviting farmers and landowners to join them online to clarify the details of the many different schemes and grants available, and how to make the most of them.

The hour-long SFI webinar will take place on Thursday 19th September, starting at 7pm, and will cover the new extended SFI offer Defra is expected to announce within the coming weeks, and how this will work in conjunction with continuing Capital Grant and Higher and Mid Tier funding.

H&H Land & Estates Director & Chartered Surveyor, Tim Sedgewick, will host the webinar with a panel of H&H Land & Estates specialists covering their areas of expertise, including:

    • Comprehensive information on the latest SFI offer
    • The implications for your farming practices
    • Insights into the new actions, from arable options to agroforestry
    • The application process

The webinar will finish with direct advice and a Q&A session with the experienced H&H Land & Estates team of land agents, including in-house ecologist, David Morley. Tim Sedgewick hopes that farmers and landowners UK-wide will take advantage of this opportunity to find out exactly how they can maximise the funding crucial to their future.

Until Brexit, our farmers and landowners have been able to depend on the BPS to support their businesses, but as the BPS is phased out completely, many are finding it a struggle to understand how they can replace that support with SFI schemes.

“The SFI schemes are complicated, they’re still changing and developing, and the application process can be daunting. We have been helping many farming clients to understand the SFI and make successful applications, and we know from experience what a relief it is have a clear and complete knowledge of what funding is available, how it works, and how to maximise it.

Previous SFI webinars that H&H Land & Estates has held have attracted hundreds of farmers and landowners, and Tim Sedgewick encourages anyone who has joined before to take part again on September 19th.

Part of the difficulty for farmers is that the SFI is still emerging and application windows and deadlines open and close before you know it. Optimising funding support is a fundamentally important part of every farmer’s and landowner’s strategic planning, and we welcome everybody who might benefit from learning more or updating their knowledge.

The H&H Land & Estates SFI webinar is free, but participants should register their interest to access the event.

To register, please click here