Spade with wooden handle digging into soil

The Sustainable Farming Incentive

DEFRA have launched the new expanded 2024 Sustainable Farming Incentive offer, which will be available to farmers within the next few weeks. 

The Sustainable Farming Incentive pays farmers and land managers to take up or maintain sustainable farming and land management practices that protect and benefit the environment, support food production and improve productivity. 

The expanded SFI offer which was recently published will be available to farmers from the end of July and is open to new entrants for the first time. Initially comprising 102 actions, including over 20 new options to support more sustainable food production. 

The SFI actions in the expanded offer include:

  • The actions from the SFI 2023 offer.
  • New actions such as tillage farming and precision farming.
  • Actions previously offered under Countryside Stewardship Mid Tier to streamline the application process for farmers.

The 2024 SFI scheme also includes:

  • 23 new options for moorland, precision farming, agroforestry, and stone wall maintenance
  • 57 options from Countryside Stewardship, with most of them now three-year agreements
  • 21 priority actions, including for lowland peat, moorland grazing, and agroforestry 
Hedgerow along the side of a field

What can farmers get paid to do in SFI 2024?

The Sustainable Farming Incentive pays farmers and landowners to take up or maintain sustainable farming and land management practices that protect and benefit the environment, support food production and improve productivity.

As an example, the new SFI 2024 offer includes actions for Organic Farming, one of which is for OFA1 - Overwinter Stubble (organic land). This means farmers will be paid £264 per hectare for provide a green cover on post-harvest stubble over the autumn and winter months, the purpose of this is to provide a a winter food source for seed-eating farmland birds and provide foraging habitats for farmland wildlife. 

in 2024, SFI includes new and expanded actions which will allow farmers to be paid for:

  • Precision farming
  • Agroforestry
  • Multispecies cover crops
  • Making space for nature
  • Maintaining habitats 

How does SFI work?

As before, SFI agreements will run for 3 years and payments are made quarterly in arrears. This gives greater flexibility for tenant farmers to enter the scheme, as they do not need landlord consent, provided they can reasonably expect to have management control of the land for the 3-year term.

When the scheme re-opens, there will be a “controlled rollout”, which means not everyone will be able to apply at once.

Applications will be made online and the RPA expect to make agreement offers within a few weeks of application, considerably quicker than any other schemes.

In theory, land can be entered into SFI, even if it is already in other schemes. However, you cannot be paid twice for doing the same thing. Many Countryside Stewardship options overlap to some degree with SFI actions, which effectively means that land often cannot be in both schemes. Similarly, hedges already in the CS option BE3 cannot be entered into SFI.

Available Actions in 2024



SFI Action

Annual payment

Actions for Soil Health



Assess soil, test soil organic matter and produce a soil management plan

£6/ha and an additional payment of £97 per agreement


Multi-species winter cover crops



Herbal leys


SOH1 No-till farming £73/ha
SOH2  Multi-species spring-sown cover crop £163/ha
SOH3  Multi-species summer-sown cover crop £163/ha
SOH4  Winter cover following maize crops £203/ha

Actions for moorland



Assess moorland and produce a written record

£10.60/ha and an additional payment of £272 per agreement

UPL1  Moderate livestock grazing on moorland £20/ha
UPL2 Low livestock grazing on moorland £53/ha
UPL3  Limited livestock grazing on moorland  £66/ha
UPL4  Supplement: Keep cattle and ponies on moorland (minimum 20% GLU) £7/ha
UPL5  Supplement: Keep cattle and ponies on moorland (minimum 70% GLU) £18/ha
UPL6  Supplement: Keep cattle and ponies on moorland (100% GLU) £23/ha
UPL7 Shepherding livestock on moorland (no required stock removal period) £33/ha
UPL8  Shepherding livestock on moorland (remove stock for at least 4 months) £43/ha
UPL9  Shepherding livetsock on moorland (remove stock for at least 6 months) £45/ha
UPL10  Shepherding livestock on moorland (remove stock for at least 8 months) £48/ha

Actions for boundary features



Assess and record hedgerow condition

£5 per 100 metres – one side


Manage hedgerows

£13 per 100 metres – one side


Maintain or establish hedgerow trees

£10 per 100 metres – both sides

BND1  Maintain dry stone walls £27 per 100m - both sides 
BND2 Maintain earth banks or stone-faced hedgebanks £11 per 100m - one side

Actions for integrated pest management


Asssess integrated pest management and produce a plan

£1,129 for assessment & plan


Flower-rich grass margins, blocks or in-field strips



Companion crop on arable and horticultural land



No use of insecticide on arable crops


Actions for nutrient management



Assesss nutrient management & produce a review report

£652 for assessnebt & report


Legumes on improved grassland



Legume fallow


Actions for farmland wildlife on arable and horticultural land



Pollen and nectar flower mix



Winter bird food on arable and horticultural land



Grassy field corners and blocks


AHW1  Bumblebird mix £747/ha
AHW2 Supplementary winter bird food (*maximum 1 tonne for every 2 hectares of CAHL2) £732 per tonne*
AHW3 Beetle Banks £764/ha
AHW4 Skylark Plota (*minimum 2 plots) £11 per plot*
AHW5 Nestling plots for lapwing £765/ha
AHW6 Basic overwinter stubble £58/ha
AHW7 Enhanced overwinter stubble £589/ha
AHW8 Whole crop spring cereals and overwinter stubble £596/ha
AHW9 Unharvested cereal headland £1,072/ha
AHW10 Low input harvested cereal crop £354/ha
AHW11 Cultivated areas for arable plants £660/ha
AHW12 Manage woodland edges on arable land £428/ha

Actions for farmland wildlife and habitats on grassland



Take improved grassland field corners or blocks out of management



Winter bird food on improved grassland


CIGL3 Manage grassland with very low nutrient inputs £151/ha
GRH1 Manage rough grazing for birds £121/ha
GRH6 Manage priority habitat species-rich grassland £646/ha
GRH7 Supplement:Haymaking £157/ha
GRH8 Supplement: Haymaking (late cut) £187/ha
GRH10 Supplement: Lenient grazing £28/ha
GRH11 Supplement: Cattle grazing (non-moorland) £59/ha
SCR1  Create scrub and open habitat mosaics £588/ha
SCR2 Manage scrub and open habitat mosaics £350/ha

Actions for buffer strips



4m to 12m grass buffer strip on arable and horticultural land



4m to 12m grass buffer strip on improved grassland



12m to 24m watercourse buffer strip on cultivated land £707/ha


Buffer in-field ponds on arable land £681/ha


Buffer in-field ponds on improved grassland £311/ha


Protect in-field trees on arable land £553/ha


Protect in-field trees on intensive grassland  £295/ha


6m to 12m habitat strip next to watercourses £742/ha

Actions for low input grassland



Maintain very low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land



Maintain low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land


Actions for heritage



Maintain weatherproof traditional farm or forestry buildings

£5 per sq m


Maintain weatherproof traditional farm or forestry buildings in remote areas

£8 per sq m


Control scrub on historic and archaeological features



Manage historic and archaeological features



Maintain designed or engineered waterbodies £2,512/ha

Actions for Organic Farming



Actions for Organic Farming



Organic conversion - improved permanent grassland (*maximum of 2 consecutive years )


Organic conversion - unimproved permanent grassland (*maximum of 2 consecutive years) 



Organic conversion - rotational land (*maximum of 2 consecutive years)



Organic conversion - horticultural land (*maximum of 2 consecutive years) £874/ha


Organic conversion - top fruit (*maximum of 3 consecutive years) £1,920/ha


Organic land management - improved permanent grasslabd £20/ha


Organic land management - unimproved permanent grassland £41/ha


Organic land management - enclosed rough grazing £97/ha


Organic land management - rotational land £132/ha


Organic land management - horticultural land £707/ha


Organic land management - top fruit £1,920/ha


Overwinter stubble (organic land) £264/ha


Supplementary winter bird food (organic land) (*maximum 1 tonne for every 2 hectares of CALH2)  £935/tonne


Undersown cereal crop (organic land) £380/ha

Actions for Precision Farming



Variable rate application of nutrients



Camera or remote sensor guided herbicide spraying £43/ha


Non-mechanical robotic weeding £101/ha


Mechanical robotic weeding £150/ha

Actions for species recovery and management



  Supplement: Keep native breeds on grazed habitats (50-80%)   

   £ 92/ha  


  Supplement: Keep native breeds on grazed habitats (more than 80%)     £146/ha  


  Supplement: Keep native breeds on extsively managed habitats (50-80%)       £7/ha  


  Supplement: Keep native breeds on extensively managed habitats (more than 80%)      £11/ha  


Actions for Waterbodies



Manage ponds (*maximum of 3 ponds per ha) £257 per pond*
WBD2 Manage ditches £4/100m for both sides 


In-field grass strips £765/ha


Arable reversion to grassland with low fertiliser input £489/ha
WBD5 Manage intensive grassland adjacent to a watercourse £311/ha
WBD6 Remove livestock from intensive grassland during the autumn and winter (outside SDAs) £115/ha
WBD7  Remove livestock from grassland during the autumn and winter (SDAs) £115/ha


Manage grassland to reduce nutrient levels in groundwater £396/ha


Supplement: Nil fertiliser £156/ha

As ever, the reality of DEFRA schemes is that they are more complex than is presented. There remains considerable cross-over between SFI and Mid Tier Countryside Stewardship and which way is better to go will depend on each individual farming business. 

For professional advice regarding SFI and other rural grants and schemes, please contact one of our land agency teams: